As we bring the fundraiser to an end, we want to express our deepest appreciation to our generous donors. Together an impressive $407,422.50 was raised that allowed us to provide much-needed and swift financial assistance to 185 Maine businesses.
As of June 2024, we are no longer accepting applications
and funding efforts have closed.
The Maine legislature allocated $10,000,000 to provide grant opportunities to businesses and organizations, including nonprofit organizations, affected by specified severe weather-related events. These events include the Dec 18, 2023 storm, the Jan 10, 2024 storm, and the Jan 13, 2024 storm. Projects may consist of a recovery component for damage sustained and must include efforts to increase business resilience to future storms and other climate conditions.
For more information, visit: Maine DECD Business Recovery & Resilience Grant Website
The Mills Administration’s Maine Flood Resources & Assistance Hub contains links to helpful information, resources, and assistance for Maine people who have been impacted by flooding and damages from recent weather events. Learn more at: maine.gov/governor/mills/flood

In the wake of December 18th's devastating storm, affectionately dubbed the "Grinch," the Maine Grocers and Food Producers Association (MGFPA) and Retail Association of Maine (RAM) are taking proactive steps to support the numerous businesses affected across the state. The storm brought severe flooding, road washouts, and prolonged power outages, resulting in substantial losses for retailers, grocers, restaurants, and other small enterprises.
Inspired by the successful relief efforts in Vermont following a similar catastrophe, RAM and MGFPA are proud to announce the launch of the Maine Business Relief Fund. This initiative aims to provide crucial assistance to Maine's small businesses in their recovery from the storm's impact.
Partners & Major Contributors
Thank you to our generous supporters.
And a special thank you to Governor Mills for her strong support of the Maine Business Relief Fund.
We are proud to announce a commitment of $250,000 in matching funds from an anonymous private donor, emphasizing the significant impact of collective contributions.
Major Contributors
Hancock Lumber
Lawrence Family Foundation
Maine Office of Tourism
Champion Contributors
Maine Beverage Distributors Association
Miles Marketing
Old Port Candy Co and Old Port Card Works
Royal River Natural Foods
United Insurance
Supporting Contributor
Maine Better Transportation
Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce
Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce
Maine Development Foundation
Maine Tourism Association
Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
The Forks Chamber of Commerce